
The majority of Ethiopian children don’t go to school

Many children in Ethiopia don’t have the opportunity to attend school, especially in the rural areas. One of the major barriers to access education is the burden of work. Whether at home or outside, it is customary for families to expect their children to work hard and support of their family. Some children, especially if they lack motivation from home, simply never get started with education. They may miss lessons, and do badly at school, and then miss more lessons out of lack of interest, and so it goes on. They very often end up dropping out of school completely.

As girls are seen as more useful in the household and less likely to succeed at school they are most negatively affected by the lack of resources of their family. Particularly in rural areas where they are often obliged to fetch water, cook, wash clothes, look after younger children, and help look after the livestock and fields too. These tasks leave little time for school, or for studying after school. Furthermore, in many parts of Ethiopia it is still common for girls to be married young, well before 18 and before they can get a school education.


CHADET launched its first educational intervention in 2002. The Alternative Basic Education (ABE) program was located in Merkato area; the most populated and congested area of Addis Ababa. The innovative program was designed to create access to primary education to vulnerable children between the ages of 7 and 14.
In the years following the ABC project, CHADET has established itself as a well-respected, authoritative organization. CHADET continuously works on improving the lives of vulnerable children- orphans, street and working children, children from female-headed households and unemployed households- and their families, while at the same time seeking to raise awareness and change attitudes regarding controversial issues within the community and the parents.

Current projects

CHADET’s projects implemented different projects to target different age groups.  A list of ongoing project is listed below, each and one of them aiming to improve children’s lives now and in the future.  

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Support for Girls’ Education


CHADET is a charitable organisation registered in Ethiopia (Reg. no. 0234) that works for the protection and welfare of children found under difficult circumstances.


CHADET’s Motto


Striving to build Children’s future!


25 years of service for vulnerable children and young people!