Core Values

Child migration in Ethiopia

Risky migration of children is no exception in Ethiopia. Many children are on the move or at risk of getting involved in risky movement- sometimes forced, sometimes deceived by false promises. In search for a better chance of life elsewhere, they run away from their home in the rural areas to the urban centres. Children on the move are extremely vulnerable to exploitation, coercion, deception, and violence. They are at risk of being the victim of child trafficking, child labour, child prostitution and


many other dangers during their journey.


Child trafficking and prostitution is prevalent in most urban areas of Ethiopia, whereby young girls are being forced to work as commercial sex workers on the street, brothels, hotels or bars. Child trafficking in rural areas often results in children working as servants in households in urban areas.


CHADET's work

The prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation of children is truly at the heart of CHADET’s intervention. The key objectives of the projects are firstly to reduce the number of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) subjected to sexual abuse and exploitation, and secondly to help them to rehabilitate.

CHADET has developed an urban-rural model, which seeks to address the problem not only in urban destination cities, but also in transit towns and places of origin. The projects aim to discourage risky migration and harmful traditional practices such as early marriage - which often results in abuse and exploitation of children- by intercepting children on the move and by establishing referral linkages with local organizations on the ground. Working in collaboration with local communities, schools and partner organizations, has led to the interception, protection and support of many children involved in risky migration.

CHADET assists in preventing children from risky migration and exploitation through the creation of Drop-In Centers that provide educational and recreational facilities for orphans and vulnerable children; the centers also serve as contact points for provision of medical and material support. Furthermore, CHADET organizes trainings and conversation sessions designed to raise awareness and change perceptions of children and communities of risky migration and its consequences. In addition, counseling sessions, life skills and vocational training are being  organized for victims of child abuse or exploitation and educational opportunities and alternative sources of income are provided.

Due to economic and social pressures, risky migration has seen a rise in the rural areas of the country. It is therefore vital that CHADET expands its urban projects to meet growing demand.  At the same time, CHADET aims to replicate its rural project in other regions in order to address the causes of migration and reduce its negative effects.

Current projects

1.    Prevention of risky movement of children in the northern Ethiopia corridor
2.    Promoting Network Coordination of Integration of Community Based OVC Care and Support Package
3.    Yekokeb Berhan for Highly Vulnerable Children Care (HVC)and Support Project


CHADET is a charitable organisation registered in Ethiopia (Reg. no. 0234) that works for the protection and welfare of children found under difficult circumstances.


CHADET’s Motto


Striving to build Children’s future!


25 years of service for vulnerable children and young people!