CHADET has an administrative structure that guides the operation of the organization. It has a governing structure composed of two major organs, namely, the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. The General Assembly is the highest administrative organ of the organization and is responsible for the issuance and modification of the association’s articles of association, approval annual plans and budget, performance reports, financial statements and audit report. The Board of Directors, on the other hand, is elected by the General Assembly and is responsible for ensuring that decisions made by the general assembly and the board is implemented by the secretariat. It provides close follow up concerning the performance of the management of the organization. The Secretariat represents the Head office of CHADET. Led by a full-time Executive Director that is directly answerable to the Board of Directors, the secretariat serves as a coordination office for the planning, implementing and monitoring of project activities.
The General Assembly is the highest administrative organ of the organization and meets annually. Next to the General Assembly is the Board of Directors, which has been elected by the General Assembly and, is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring CHADET’s policies are implemented properly and decisions of the General Assembly are given effect. The secretariat, which is led by a full time executive director, is given the task of ensuring the day-to-day operation of the organization and represents the organization. Members of the board are providing free services for the organization.